12 Step Daoyin Health Preservation Exercises
As taught by the Chinese Health Qigong Association.
S1 P01 | Commencing Form |
S1 P02 | Double Fish Hung on Wall |
S1 P03 | Old Horse is Stabled |
S1 P04 | Ji Chung shoots the Louse |
S1 P05 | Bending the Body to Brush the Shoes |
S1 P06 | Rhinoceros Gazes at the moon |
S1 P07 | Lotus Flower Appears above the water |
S1 P08 | Golden Rooster Heralds the Dawn |
S1 P09 | Wild Geese land on the Beach |
S1 P10 | White crane flies high in the clouds |
S1 P11 | Phoenix Salutes the People |
S1 P12 | Qi and Breath return to the Origin |