The new Shen Tai Chi Website goes live today the 26th of June 2016 at http://www.shentaichiacademy.co.uk. It has been a long journey in developing our new site and there are still changes to be made and bugs to fix. So for the time being we are not advertising the new site on search engines and the like untill all things are ironed out. But it is currently fine for people to take a look at all the hard work and maybe submit content, testimonials and any changes that are needed before the public release of the site.
For now the old site will still be available at http://shentaichiacademy.co.uk but this new site will be reachable from the same address just with the www prefix in front. Once everything is squared away the old site will redirect to the new site and the old site will be removed.
I do hope you will take the time to look around and send me some feedback at sdbrown67@gmail.com, new email addresses maybe coming soon for each of the instructors but discussions are still needed on any such change.